
The Home, Life and Times of The Daggett Family

Welcome to the 1750 Daggett Farm House Many of us visit museums - specifically open-air museums - quite often.  And we love to enter the historic homes and just simply take it all in,  don't we ?   We enjoy watching the  living historian   interpreters as they go about the daily activities t hat   emulate  and teach visitors  about the past :  preparing me als  "the old-fashioned way,"   cooking over a hearth or wood-burning stove,  laundry,   cleanin g,  and maybe even some out- of- doors labor.  Many visitors  at such places have at least a minimal interest in history,  therefore  probably know  the basic s of life  "back then , "  and are enthralled with the  general  information often given. But there is so much more... S ince I've discovered the  publication  of actual  journals and diaries originally written a hundred, a hundred and fifty,  two hundred ,  or even two hundred and fifty years ago,    I no longer look at the old historic houses  quite the